hash out

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  1. So over the weekend the federal government sat down with all 16 German states to try and hash out a way to comply with the fiscal pact.
  2. Skinner was her boss, and during a visit all parties met to hash out their issues.
  3. The two sides have six months to a year to hash out a more comprehensive agreement.
  4. Then we'll get together and hash this out.
  5. With this hash of domains with values of frequency counts, we sort the list by value and print out the first N links.
  6. Applications wishing to store or retrieve a piece of data within memcache first hash the key, which tells them which server out of the memcache pool to use.
  7. Now that the hash is built for the current record, print out the selected fields.
  8. The incubator project lets you hash out your ideas and get feedback and help from other volunteers.
  9. If TESTING is enabled, the hash entries are printed out in sorted order as the loop executes.
  10. In this case, I send in a single hash table with the values. I might just as easily break them out as separate parameters.
  11. Append the value to the hash value keyed on the field name if it already exists, as this will enable the simple print out of every combination of the field no matter which of the fields matched.
  12. I know we have a lot to hash out between us.
  13. We must hash out the problem of Mr Brown's appointment.
  14. WHAT HE MEANS: I just really want this argument to be over. Women like to hash things out, talking issues through from start to finish.
  15. However, while exchanging a hash table is easy and supported out of the box, it is only appropriate to use in the most simple of interoperability scenarios.
  16. I am anxious to meet you tomorrow to hash out the details.
  17. Mediation is great way to hash out a dispute without the court system.
  18. The new software isn't ready for the client yet. he's expecting it tomorrow so we're going to have to hash something out in a hurry.
  19. If we cannot hash out this problem by Thursday, I'll have to cancel our proposal.
  20. Senior faculty meet at least weekly to hash out course details and craft new case studies and other teaching materials.
  21. Instead of insisting that you hash it out at that moment, schedule a time to readdress the issue.
  22. Women like to hash things out, talking issues through from start to finish.
  23. Let's just sit down and hash it out.
  24. A committee of outside experts convened by the FDA is scheduled to gather Wednesday to hash out the risks and benefits of the drug, which has been approved in Europe.
  25. In this paper, an Anonymity Abusing Control strategy based on multi-hash encoding is proposed. By collecting enough marked message, victim could reconstruct the attack path and figure out the attack source.
  26. And the changing are dependent on the multi-dimension and continuous chaos system and hash function transpositions. Because the signals using in hash function are drawn out chaotic system, so it can enhance the security of encryption system.
  27. In this thesis, through the use of some basic cryptography tools ( digital signature, Hash function, secret sharing and zero-knowledge proof, and so on), the systemic research and design of secure electronic auction is carried out.
  28. Some defects of a Hash function scheme are pointed out and the corresponding improvement is proposed.



  1. speak with others about (something)
    1. We discussed our household budget

    Synonym:    discusstalk over